Touching Up Stuff

I did a rushy work last week in order to finish the project as a whole, and now after the first submission, I’m tweaking stuff a bit with lighting, texturing, render setting, and some other variables.

– cloth material place2dTexture is readjusted, and cloth Mesh UV is remapped (fix moire issue)

Screen Shot 2556-07-07 at 10.44.32 PMScreen Shot 2556-07-07 at 10.43.26 PM
– shot by shot light set up on demand (fix the burned out problem)

Screen Shot 2556-07-07 at 10.38.57 PMScreen Shot 2556-07-07 at 10.39.42 PM
– Fear’s texture is added

Screen Shot 2556-07-07 at 10.36.22 PM Screen Shot 2556-07-07 at 9.08.42 PM Screen Shot 2556-07-07 at 10.30.49 PMand so on… stay tuned!